Despite less driving in 2020, the yearly total of excessive speeding and fatal car accidents actually went up from 2019. According to the Wisconsin Department of Transportation, auto accidents caused 593 deaths in 2020, up from 551 crash-related fatalities in 2019. As of May 30, 2021, there have been 166 deaths due to traffic wrecks in 2021.
Car crashes are a leading cause of death in Wisconsin and throughout the United States. The experienced car accident attorneys at Studinski Law, LLC understand the hardships accident victims face every day. We have helped people across Wisconsin pursue the justice and compensation they deserve for their injuries and the loss of their loved ones.
The most recent data available from the Wisconsin Department of Transportation indicates that while multiple factors contribute to car accidents, two factors are disproportionately the most common: speeding and alcohol. A third factor, distracted driving, is also a significant cause of car wrecks.
In the Wisconsin Department of Transportation’s 2019 Final Year-End Crash Statistics report (2020’s full report is not yet available), speeding was linked to 21,813 wrecks and 163 deaths. This makes it the single greatest threat to our state’s drivers. Speeding is very dangerous and contributes to car accidents because it:
The risk of serious injury, disfigurement, and death doubles for every 10 mph over 50 that a vehicle travels. The structure of passenger vehicles cannot resist the extreme force of high-speed crashes well enough to maintain survival space for occupants.
Drunk driving is the second leading cause of fatal crashes in Wisconsin, accounting for the deaths of 140 people in 2019. Even in small quantities, alcohol consumption can affect a driver’s ability to drive. Drinking alcohol can:
The more someone drinks, the higher his or her blood alcohol concentration (BAC) rises, along with the risk of causing an accident. BAC can be affected by a number of variables, such as how much alcohol is consumed, how fast it is consumed, the size of the drinker, how much the drinker has eaten, gender, and even emotional health. Because everyone reacts differently to alcohol, any amount of drinking creates risk. If you drink, do not drive.
Distracted driving remains a leading cause of car accidents in Wisconsin. Research shows that distracted driving accidents occur every 22 minutes in Wisconsin. Distracted driving involves any activities that take your attention away from the task of driving. This can include manual distractions that take your hands off the wheel, visual distractions that take your eyes off the road, and cognitive distractions that take your mind off driving. Common causes of distracted driving include:
When drivers travel 55 mph and get distracted for approximately 5 seconds, they have traveled the equivalent of an entire football field without paying attention to the road. Lives depend on drivers committing to zero distractions while driving and focusing completely on the job of safely operating their vehicles.
The unexpected loss of a loved one due to someone else’s negligence is one of the most painful hardships a person can endure. If you’ve lost someone dear to you because another driver was speeding, drunk, or distracted, you may have the right to file a wrongful death claim. These lawsuits can be filed by the decedent’s spouse, child, or parent.
Through a wrongful death claim, you may be able to pursue damages for:
Wrongful death lawsuits cannot replace the immeasurable loss suffered by surviving family members, but they can prevent families from suffering undue financial losses now and in the future.
The experienced car accident lawyers at Studinski Law, LLC have helped car accident victims throughout Wisconsin. We know that after a crash, you may be facing mounting medical bills, severe pain, and debilitating injuries that can prevent you from working. Our firm is committed to helping you seek the full and fair compensation to which you may be entitled under the law.
If you have been injured or lost a loved one in a car wreck, call Studinski Law, LLC now at (715) 343-2850 for a free case review. Our firm serves clients in Plover, Marshfield, and other Wisconsin areas.