March 28, 2018

Top Reasons an Insurance Company Will Deny a Personal Injury Claim

People often think that insurance companies are there to take care of them after a car accident. The truth is that their primary concern is to save as much money as they can. They often do this by offering you a small settlement or denying your claim. A personal injury claim denial does not follow one single formula – insurance companies may offer many explanations when they deny your claim.

If you need help dealing with an insurance company after an accident, call the Wisconsin personal injury attorneys of Studinski Law, LLC at (715) 343-2850 today.

Why Might an Insurance Company Deny Your Claim?

Below are some of the most common reasons an insurance company may deny a personal injury claim.

1.) You didn’t provide timely notification.
Insurance companies often have a fairly short time frame in which you may file a claim. To avoid this pitfall, be sure to file a claim as soon as possible. This may be difficult to do, especially if you were injured, but your case may depend upon it.

2.) There was “an act of God.”
One of the ways insurance companies try to get out of paying their customers is by claiming that an “act of God” is the reason the accident occurred. If, for example, you were driving in a severe thunderstorm that was producing high winds and hail, the insurance adjuster might try to argue that both the other driver and the storm were to blame for the accident, so they can only pay a fraction of your claim.

3.) The other driver wasn’t covered.
Even if the other driver says they were insured, their insurance company may disagree. Say the other driver failed to pay their premiums on time. In that situation, they technically didn’t have coverage at the time of the accident. If that is the case, it will be difficult to get their insurance company to agree to anything other than a personal injury claim denial.

4.) You didn’t go to a doctor right away.
Even if you’re up and walking around right after an accident, it is important that you see a doctor right away, and any follow-up that a doctor recommends. People often experience pain or symptoms of conditions a few days after the accident. By then, it could be too late to hope that your insurance settlement will cover medical care for injuries resulting from the wreck. . Insurance companies will use the fact that you waited any amount of time before seeing a doctor to argue that your injuries weren’t related to the wreck.

5.) They use your own words against you.
Often, insurance adjusters call you after the accident and ask you to give a recorded statement. This means that they may try to speak to you before you’ve had a chance to talk to a lawyer or even to fully assess the extent of your property damage or medical issues. They may ask you not just to talk, but to give a recorded statement. They may say it’s to help get your claim settled faster. While that may be true, it may not necessarily be in your favor.

The insurance company will go over your statement thoroughly and look for ways your words can diminish your settlement. If you say you feel fine, or that the accident wasn’t too bad, you may be met with a personal injury claim denial.

Contact a Wisconsin Personal Injury Lawyer

Insurance companies are full of people who are trained to identify any possible loophole to deny or diminish your claim. You may feel too intimidated to take them on alone, which is why you should consider hiring a personal injury lawyer to represent you. The attorneys at Studinski Law, LLC are prepared to go up against the insurance company and get you the compensation you deserve.

Before you discuss a settlement with an insurance adjuster, contact us online, or call us at (715) 343-2850 to schedule a free case consultation.

Jason Studinski Injury Attorney
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